Unit B/45 Rimfire Drive, HALLAM VIC 3803 - Facey Commercial Property Agent
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Unit B/45 Rimfire Drive, HALLAM VIC 3803 | Enquire Now

Brilliant Truck Access!

Property Type: Industrial/Warehouse

Building Area: 450.00 m2

Parking Spaces: 8

Rare street fronting property with side and rear storage yard.

The property has a 35m² ground floor office entry of and additional lunchroom of 21m².
The high clearance warehouse totals 394m².

There is an additional first floor mezzanine that consists of load bearing storage and 2 additional fitted offices.

The rear yard includes a canopied area, while the side yard is ideal for parking a large truck.

Kept very clean, an inspection will impress.

Enquire at www.faceyproperty.com.au to make your next move.


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