Make-A-Wish Golf Day Fundraiser
Facey’s 25th Annual Make-A-Wish Charity Golf Day
Established in 1994, the annual Facey Golf Day supports Make-A-Wish Australia with donations exceeding half a million dollars in it’s 24 years. Make-A-Wish work tirelessly to bring to life the unique wishes of children battling life-threatening medical conditions.

In 2018, Facey raised an incredible $28,055.40 well above any other year, with the tremendous help of supporters and sponsors on the day.

Event details:
-Friday 25th October
-At Sandhurst Golf Club
-From 7am for breakfast, 8am tee-off, shotgun start.
-Entry Closing Date: Monday, 14th October 2019.
To Be Apart Of This Great Day, Fill In Your Team Entry Form Here For Further Information Please Contact Julie On 9701 4455.