Enquire About 2/418 Princes Highway, Narre Warren, Property
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2/418 Princes Highway, NARRE WARREN VIC 3805 |

Capture The Exposure You Need

Property Type: Offices

Building Area: 215.00 m2

Parking Spaces: 50 shared

Attention Owner Occupiers

An opportunity now exists to capture the attention of hundreds of cars that pass this ground floor retail office daily.

The office is 215m² in area and has a well designed common car park with drive in drive out available onto Webb Street.

The currently partitioned office also includes both male and female toilet and a kitchenette.

– Reliable office opportunities in Narre Warren
– Prime corner, Princes Hwy & Webb Street
– Part of Fountain Gate & Berwick Business Park precincts
– Walk to Webb Street retail outlets and station
– Proven development
– Ideal for private investors or self managed super funds

Enquire at www.faceyproperty.com.au to make your next move.


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