Frank Facey Student Award
Annual Facey Award Recognises VCE Students – Nominate Someone Great
Do you know a hard-working VCE student who deserves to be recognised for their efforts? Nominate them to be considered for a prestigious award and receive a MacBook Air.
The 2018 Frank Facey Student Award is now open for nominations. Now in its third year, this annual award is presented to three local VCE students who have shown dedication and persistence in improving their skills and knowledge. The Award encourages young people to strive to be the leaders of tomorrow through their business commerce studies, and recognises their dedication.
This year the award has been opened up to reach even more schools and more students. In the past it was provided to three schools through teacher nominations. In 2018, the Frank Facey Student Award is open to all schools in the Dandenong area and nominations can come from teachers, students or any member of the community. Each winner will receive the award and a MacBook Air.
According to Mark Bond, Managing Director of Facey, “This award is not about scores, it’s about recognising effort. Having a vision and working hard is key to our success and we believe it is important to anyone’s success, whatever their passion and strengths.”
The Facey family has been an integral part of the Dandenong community and business sector since 1917. Over three generations, Facey businesses have become specialists in Dandenong and the south-east region.
“We know this region and want to support its prosperity into the future. The Frank Facey Student Award provides a way for us to encourage young people to work hard, to strive for success and to persist in achieving their goals.”
To Nominate A Student – Or Yourself – Go To: Faceyproperty.Com.Au/Student-Award/.
Nominations Close 20 September 2018.