18-20 Lonsdale Street, DANDENONG VIC 3175 - Facey Commercial Property Agent
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18-20 Lonsdale Street, DANDENONG VIC 3175 |

Set Your Business Up For Huge Growth Potential & High Visibility!

Property Type: Land/Development

Building Area: 196.00 m2

Land Area: 1631.00 m2

Parking Spaces:

With a total land area of 1,631m², this property comprises a centralised showroom, office and workshop (combined 196m2) with ample rear room to drop and store shipping containers onsite. A 235m² high clearance awning facing Princes Highway, roller door access to both workshop & showroom (suitable for larger items), full-perimeter fencing and sliding gates make this the ideal for displaying purposes. Ample on and off-site car parking solutions and approx 80% of the site offers concreted or asphalted surfacing.

A corner site, fronting Princes Highway, it offers an excellent location with easy access to several major arterial pathways & routes. Additionally, the property has 38m of high level exposure frontage, several strong brand-named neighbours surrounding and includes multiple access point potential from two streets.

Enquire at www.faceyproperty.com.au to make your next move.


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