204 Sladen Street, CRANBOURNE VIC 3977 - Facey Commercial Property Agent
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204 Sladen Street, CRANBOURNE VIC 3977 |

Allied Health Premises With High Traffic Exposure.

Property Type: Offices

Building Area: 111.00 m2

Parking Spaces: 1 secured garage,3 onsite.

Centrally located this property offers Main road frontage exposure & is walking distance to High St

* Featuring 3 offices plus main admin area, kitchen/lunch room & amenities.
* Ample storage solutions/areas
* Off street parking, public transport close by
* Secure front and side yard spaces
* Single lock up garage
* Realistic rental in a very convenient location
* Low maintenance
* Zoned Activity Centre 1 (ACZ1)

Enquire at www.faceyproperty.com.au to make your next move.


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